Thursday, May 21, 2009

NYC Grassroots Media Conference: HOPE TO ACTION

I am serving as a panelist at The Sixth Annual NYC Grassroots Media Conference.

Here's the press release about the conference:

The Sixth Annual NYC Grassroots Media Conference: HOPE TO ACTION
Co-Sponsored by the Film and Media Department at Hunter College, CUNY
9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday, May 30
Hunter College, 68th Street & Lexington Avenue, Manhattan

On May 30th, the New York City Grassroots Media Coalition (NYCGMC) will host its sixth annual conference at Hunter College. The conference theme Hope to Action invites participants to consider how we can build a media network that ensures the visibility of our communities' voices, images and stories. Conference workshops will explore how we can use the media tools at our disposal to turn HOPE for social justice into ACTION in our communities.

The conference first convened in 2004 by a volunteer collective of media activists and organizations responding to the FCC’s moves to further deregulate media control and diversity. The annual conference is part of an ongoing effort to build bridges between New York City's diverse social justice and grassroots media communities to better realize our common goals for social change. To date, approximately 300 organizations and 4,500 independent media makers and community organizers have participated in NYC Grassroots Media Coalition’s conferences.

This year's conference comes on the heels of a historic 2008 election season that was fueled by an unprecedented level of community based organizing, and highlighted the power that can be mobilized by the grassroots. Even as we celebrate, uncertainty looms ahead. Many of us have lost our jobs, our insurance, and our economic stability; many of our independent media producers and social justice organizations face diminished financial support and increasing barriers. In this moment of great opportunity and great challenge, the NYC Grassroots Media community asks: What role can the media play as a catalyst for social justice?

The Sixth Annual Conference will host more than 40 informative panels and skill-sharing workshops, a daylong film festival, art exhibits, and musical performances. Featured panels include immigrant rights groups strategizing on how they can use media to debunk stereotypes, editors of independent publications confronting the crisis in journalism, and prison justice activists developing a media platform. Hands-on workshop tutorials will cover how to organize via social networking tools, activist mural making, hip-hop activism, community radio production, and more.

The conference continues its commitment to elevating youth voices and empowering young people to make their own media by providing various workshops for, about, and led by New York City teenagers. To further engage young media makers, on May 14, NYCGMC in partnership with the Youth Media Reporter/Academy for Educational Development will host a screening of youth produced media at 100 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY.

The NYCGMC works in partnership with a variety of locally based organizations to design the theme and content of the conferences. 2009 Partners include representatives from Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting,, Indypendent, Alliance for Community Media, Left Turn magazine, LGBT Center, Manhattan Neighborhood Network, MAGNet, Radical Reference, Youth Media Reporter, Listen Up! and others.

More details about our current and past programs can be found at To register and to pay online, go to the site. Prices range from $5 to $20 to register for the conference.

Poverty in the barrio


poverty sometimes
blinds us, there
are many artists
in the barrio
just too poor
to know -- coconut brujita

Coconut Brujita contributes her writings to Puerto Rico Sun.

The Loisaida Festival

Community calendar

The Loisaida Festival is coming up. It's this Sunday.

Click on image for larger text.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pierluisi introduces the Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2009

Oh God. When will the issue of political status on the island be resolved? Bueno, here's yet another step. It will probably not lead to a real change in the island's political status, but it is a step at least.

Today, Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi for Puerto Rico introduced the Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2009. Here's an excerpt from Pierluisi's speech today:

"The bill I have introduced today is simple and it is fair. It first authorizes the government of Puerto Rico to conduct a plebiscite. Voters will be asked whether they wish to maintain Puerto Rico’s present form of political status or whether they wish to have a different political status. If a majority of voters cast their ballots in favor of a different political status, the government of Puerto Rico will be authorized to conduct a second plebiscite among three options: independence, statehood, and sovereignty in association with the United States.
The bill does not exclude any status option, and it does not favor any status option.
It enables the people of Puerto Rico to express their wishes regarding the Island’s
political status in a series of democratic votes. It will thus ensure that the views of all the people are heard on this fundamental question. The results of these votes
will be certified to the President and to Congress.
I am optimistic that this bill will receive a fair hearing in committee, that it will be brought up for a vote before the full House, and that it will ultimately be approved by this chamber with strong bipartisan support. I am likewise confident that the Senate, having witnessed these events in the House, will also approve the bill. And I believe that President Obama, who has promised to address the question of
Puerto Rico’s status within his first term in office, will sign the bill with pride
when it reaches his desk."

For the full speech, go to

PRSUN's Featured Video: 'Apariencias' by Navegante

"Apariencias" Official video! from Navegante on Vimeo.

NAVEGANTE delivers a fresh urban blend of Electro Latin Funk with deep synth-bass lines and hard hitting beats layered with the melodic tapestry of the the Puerto Rican Cuatro. For more info., visit

source: Navegante

Boricuas writing their own history

Boricuas writing their own history.
That's what this period in history will be known as.
Everytime a poet writes a stanza,
everytime an author writes a chapter,
everytime a comic tells a joke about growing up in an Hispanic home,
everytime a photographer documents an event,
everytime we tell our story we are writing our own history.
This is really what Cemi Underground was all about. -- Luis Cordero, Cemi Underground

Support Cemi's All-Star Extravaganza featuring Los Pleneros de la 21, poets like La Bruja and Mariposa and more.

(Click on image for larger text.)

For more information about Cemi Underground and the Extravaganza event, go to

Serrano Presents Purple Heart to Jose Velez-Valentin

Congressman Jose Serrano (at right) recently presented the Purple Heart to Jose Velez-Valentin, a Bronx veteran wounded in the Korean War. Mr. Velez-Valentin had been working to get appropriate recognition for his combat-related injuries from the Defense Department, and ultimately came to Serrano’s office for help. The ceremony last week was the culmination of that work, and a long-overdue acknowledgment of Velez-Valentin’s sacrifice in Korea.

“I was pleased to have been able to help Mr. Velez-Valentin to gain recognition for his service to our country—and the wounds that he suffered as a result,” said Serrano. “Our nation makes a pact with those who serve in the Armed Forces, and part of that pact is making sure that their sacrifices do not go unnoticed. Today we are honoring the heroic service of a Bronx resident and thanking him for what he did for our nation more than 50 years ago in Korea. On behalf of the Bronx and as a representative of our federal government, I thank him for his service and salute him as a veteran wounded in defense of our nation.”

Jose Velez-Valentin was seriously wounded by artillery fire in Korea on May 29, 1953 while advancing against the enemy. He served in the 14th Regiment of the 25th Infantry Division and was discharged as a Corporal, athough he apent time as an Acting Sergeant during the Korean War.

source: Reprint from The Serrano Report; photo courtesy of Serrano's office

Monday, May 18, 2009

Hispanic Panic's Charlie Vazquez talks to PRSUN Radio

Charlie Vazquez is my guest at 9 p.m. Wednesday on PRSUN Radio at
Charlie Vazquez is NYC-based writer and blogger. He hosts a monthly reading series called PANIC! (in the East Village), which focuses on unusual and original writing—from erotica to poetry to horror. He is now working on Hispanic PANIC, which willl be held in NYC on May 27. Hispanic Panic is described as "New York City’s only running monthly queer reading series." Host Charlie Vazquez has gathered a roster of Latino literary talent, with an LGBT/feminist slant.
For more, go to my blog at

(photo courtesy of Charlie Vazquez)


To listen to my interview with Charlie

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Boricua pride in the Bronx

Here are some images from today's 21st Bronx Puerto Rican Day Parade in the Bronx.

For more of my photos, go to my photo page at Click on the Bronx Puerto Rican Day Parade set.

Puerto Rico Sun was there.

A Bronx boricua window

This big Puerto Rican flag is displayed at a window of a South Bronx apartment building. You see it is Puerto Rican parade time in New York City. The Bronx celebrates its Puerto Rican Day Parade today along the Grand Concourse, and the big Puerto Rican Parade in Manhattan is coming up too.

(photo by Clarisel Gonzalez)

PRSUN Radio is a place for boricua movers and shakers

I am the host of a live Internet broadcast show called “PRSUN Radio” on BlogTalkRadio focusing on themes related to Puerto Ricans and the diaspora. My 30-minute talk show brings boricua movers and shakers “on air” to talk about their new books, shows, projects and more.

The mission of PRSUN Radio, a project of Puerto Rico Sun Communications, is about informing, empowering and building community. I am the producer of PRSUN Radio.

BlogTalkRadio is a social talk-radio network that hosts thousands of shows across all topics, including politics, sports, books, business, entertainment, health, paranormal, comedy and religion.

Archives of my show are found on my profile page along with a call-in number, blog and text chat room. Archives of my show can also be heard on MySpace page (, blog ( and Puerto Rico Sun social network at ( Feel free to visit my profile page to learn more about PRSUN Radio.

If you have show ideas, contact me at clarisel (at)

Thank you.

Clarisel Gonzalez
Editor and publisher
Puerto Rico Sun Communications

Friday, May 15, 2009

'When the Spirits Dance Mambo' in El Barrio

On the reading corner

A coming of age memoir by Marta Moreno Vega about growing up Nuyorican in NYC's El Barrio. Meet the author.
(Click on the image to view larger text.)

Editor's Note: "When the Spirits Dance Mambo" is available at the PRSUN aStore, go to

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hit List: The Best of Latino Mystery

On the reading corner

BOOK LAUNCH PARTY! Hit List: The Best of Latino Mystery
This first-ever collection of short mystery fiction by Latino authors

This first-ever collection of short mystery fiction by Latino authors features an intriguing and unpredictable cast of sleuths, murderers and crime victims. Reflecting the authors’—and society’s—preoccupation with identity, self, and territory, the stories run the gamut of the mystery genre, from traditional to noir, from the private investigator to the police procedural, and even a “chick lit” mystery.

New York area contributors include Carlos Hernandez, Ritchie Narvaez, A. E. Roman, Sergio Troncoso, and Steven Torres who will present and sign copies of Hit List.

Edited by Sarah Cortez, Hit List collects for the first time short fiction by many of the Latino authors who have been pioneers in the mystery genre, using it to showcase their unique cultures, neighborhoods and realities. Other contributors include award-winning writers such as Carolina GarcĂ­a-Aguilera, Alicia Gaspar de Alba, Rolando Hinojosa, and Manuel Ramos.

The book party is from 6-8 p.m. tonight at the East Harlem Cafe, 1651 Lexington Ave (104th St.), El Barrio. -- Aurora Anaya-Cerda

Aurora Anaya-Cerda is owner of La Casa Azul Bookstore and a contributing writer to Puerto Rico Sun. For more information on La Casa Azul, go to