Thursday, June 06, 2024

First Official Puerto Rican Flag Raising Event @ Bronx County

@ Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson (wearing red) and the National Puerto Rican Day Parade's first Puerto Rico flag-raising event at the Bronx County Building on the Grand Concourse. Gibson also proclaimed Puerto Rico Day in the Bronx on June 6, 2024. 

To view more images, visit my full album

Sunday, May 26, 2024

National PR Parade Jackson Avenue Festival

Mayor Eric Adams greets attendees at the National Puerto Rican Day Parade's Jackson Avenue Festival in the Bronx. 

@ the Jackson Avenue Festival, Bronx, NY, May 25, 2024

To view more festival and related Puerto Rican Day Parade images, visit my photo album.

Monday, September 19, 2022

The Climate Is Still Changing

 Miscellaneous Musings: The Climate Is Still Changing (

"Oh, quit pussyfooting around," you're probably asking, "and just tell me - How many people on the island of Puerto Rico have lost power?"

All of 'em, boy!" -- Steven Maginnis