Thursday, March 27, 2008

Gov. Anibal Acevedo Vila: 'Charges are Totally False'


Puerto Rico Gov. Anibal Acevedo Vila today said election-related charges against him are "totally false" and "politically motivated."
In a five-minute televised speech, Acevedo Vila called on the Puerto Rican people "not to despair" and vowed he will continue to serve as governor with his cabinet.
"That is my job and I will fulfill it," he said.
Acevedo Vila was charged Thursday with 19 counts in a campaign finance probe, including conspiracy to violate U.S. federal campaign laws and giving false testimony to the FBI.
Calling the charges "lies and fabrications," Acevedo Vila said he will fight the charges brought against him by federal authorities. "That will be shown as the process progresses," he said.
Saying that "they want blood," Acevedo Vila rejected that he has illegally used public or campaign funds.
He did not take questions from reporters who were present at the speech delivered at La Fortaleza.
"I love Puerto Rico," he said, adding that he trusts that justice will prevail.
-- Clarisel Gonzalez

Anibal Acevedo Vila Faces Charges

Puerto Rican Governor Faces 19 Counts

SAN JUAN (AP) — Gov. Anibal Acevedo Vila was charged Thursday with 19 counts in a campaign finance probe, including conspiracy to violate U.S. federal campaign laws and giving false testimony to the FBI.
The indictment also charged 12 others associated with Acevedo's Popular Democratic Party as a result of a two-year grand jury investigation, acting U.S. Attorney Rosa Emilia Rodriguez said.
The 13 are accused of conspiring to illegally raise money to pay off Acevedo's campaign debts from his 2000 campaign to be the U.S. island territory's nonvoting member of Congress.
Acevedo, now running for re-election as governor, will not be arrested, Rodriguez said.
For more on this AP report, go to

NOTE: According to a statement delivered to the press, Acevedo Vila said these charges are politically motivated and that he will fight them. Judging from his statement, it doesn't seem that the governor plans to resign.

For up-to-date coverage throughout the day, go to The governor is expected to deliver a televised speech to the Puerto Rican people later on today. The governor plans to turn in to federal authorities tomorrow.

Un mal dia / A bad day