Thursday, June 15, 2006

From MoveOn:

Last week, the House of Representatives dealt a blow to Internet freedom—voting to gut Net Neutrality and give companies like AT&T and Verizon more control over what you see and do online.

But your representative, Jose Serrano, voted to protect Internet freedom and deserves our thanks.1

This issue is far from over. All eyes are now on the Senate, where we face a more friendly environment. Our Coalition is energized for this fight. But we've got to act fast—the telecom lobbyists are working on every vote.

Can you call Rep. Serrano to say thanks for supporting Internet freedom, and then call Senators Charles Schumer and Hillary Clinton to demand support for Net Neutrality?

Here are the numbers:

Congressman Jose Serrano
Phone: 202-225-4361

Senator Charles Schumer
Phone: 202-224-6542

Senator Hillary Clinton
Phone: 202-224-4451

Please click here to let us know you called and to share how it went:

Tell your Senators to protect Net Neutrality by supporting the bipartisan Snowe-Dorgan Internet Freedom Preservation Act (S. 2917). If you get voicemail, leave a message—they'll get it.

Thanks for keeping the pressure on Congress as we fight to save the Internet.

–Eli Pariser, Adam Green, Noah T. Winer, and the Civic Action team
Thursday, June 15th, 2006

P.S. Here are the relevant votes:

Markey Net Neutrality Amendment (A vote for Internet freedom was "Aye"):

Bad overall COPE telecommunications bill without Markey Amendment that passed the House and gutted Net Neutrality (A vote for Internet freedom was "No"):

P.P.S. After you call Rep. Serrano and Senators Schumer and Clinton, do you want to do more?

The best way to fight back after calling Congress is to help expand the reach of our coalition. Ask 5 friends to join our fight for Internet freedom by signing our petition to Congress:

If you are active in local organizations, ask them to join our coalition at:


1) Vote tally on COPE telecommunications law (which guts Net Neutrality), June 8, 2006

2) "House Turns Deaf Ear To Net Neutrality,", June 9, 2006

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

PRSUN TV Invited to Speak on Public Access

Today, I was a guest on two shows on the "Signature" channel of Bronxnet, Channel 67. I appeared in "OPEN," Bronxnet's new interactive program and was interviewed by Gary Axelbank. On this show, I got to talk about the work PRSUN TV is doing.

I later appeared with Cynthia Carrion, director of the Youth Channel at MNN, on the "Dialogo con Glenis" Spanish show.

Both shows dealt with the issue of the importance of saving public access.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Community Event during Bronx Week

"Puerto Rican History & Culture in the Bronx"
June 21

Bronxnet's Puerto Rican Documentary Sneak Preview & OPEN House
Bronxnet, the borough's community TV station, will screen portions of "Puerto Rican History & Culture in the Bronx", the first in a documentary series. Also, arts & cultural groups can record 30 second spots for the new interactive call-in program OPEN (pre-registration required).

LOCATION: Bronxnet Studios, Lehman College, Carman Hall, Room C4
TIME: 6 pm - 8:30 pm
INFO: 718-960-1181

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Featured story
CBS-TV New York, Fri, 09 Jun 2006 4:51 PM PDT
Jaimie Sanchez: Spanish Harlem Success Story
On 106th Street in Spanish Harlem, the store-front gallery called "Puerto Rico and the American Dream," and it's co-founder and executive director, Judith Escalona, gallery will screen a number of independent films Friday, Saturday and Sunday, as part of it's celebration of the Puerto Rican Day Parade. One of the stars of the films is Jaime Sanchez.

Note: Jaime Sanchez is co-producer of the "Bronx 3M" film project. Judith Escalona is director and I am a producer. Check out this feature on Sanchez.

Puerto Rican Day Parade Is Coming

House Passes Bill to Gut Local Control of Cable Franchises

The House (recently) passed H.R. 5252, a bill to replace local control of cable franchises with a set of minimal requirements under a national franchise. Currently, each local franchising authority, typically a municipal government, is permitted to negotiate agreements with video service providers that are looking to introduce service into an area. The agreements include compensation to the locality for uses of its rights of way, funding for PEG (public, educational and governmental) programming, customer service dispute procedures and other terms.

"Without stronger anti-discrimination and build-out requirements in the bill, my constituents in the Bronx stand to benefit very little from a national video franchise," said Serrano, who opposed the bill. "Until such protections are in place, I cannot consider supporting legislation that would usurp local authorities' ability to police their public rights of way and gut funding streams for public interest programming."

Serrano also supported a "net neutrality" amendment that would have prevented network service providers from degrading or giving preference to internet traffic from any content provider or application.

source: The Serrano Report