Friday, June 03, 2005

A Simple Message: Leave the Flag Alone - New York Times

Respect the Puerto Rican Flag: Leave It Alone
Now that the big Puerto Rican Day Parade is right around the corner, some activists say not to desecrate the flag. Wave Puerto Rican flags! That's it.
The New York Times talks to Jaran Manzanet, a Bronx activist, about keeping the flag free of roosters, congas and Tito Trinidad icons.

San Juan, Puerto Rico

San Juan, Puerto Rico
Originally uploaded by MsAnthea.
Today's featured photo from the Puerto Rico Sun flickr group pool

photo by MsAnthea

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Mi esposa, Obra Maestra de la Creación de Dios.

Today's featured photo by Jps_pr
La foto de hoy por Jps_pr

Jps_pr escribio sobre la foto:
"Mi esposa, Obra Maestra de la Creación de Dios. No existe nada más perfecto ni más hermoso en toda la creación que mi esposa. Nada existe más bello ni más sublime que mi amada esposa..."

Who says men are not romantic?

Jps_pr wrote about his photo: "My wife, a master plan of God's creation. There isn't anything more perfect and beautiful than my wife. There isn't anything more beautiful or sublime than my loving wife..."

Photo is part of the Puerto Rico Sun flickr pool.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Revisiting La Casita

Revisiting La Casita
Originally uploaded by clarisel.
Photo by Clarisel

Boricua pride in NYC!
Culture and Identity

The Redefining of a National Identity and the National Puerto Rican Day Parade

By Manuel Hernandez
A twenty-two year old nephew and a 2004 graduate at the University of Puerto Rico, on a recent visit to the 2004 National Puerto Rican Day Parade to New York City, shared with me some interesting impressions of the Puerto Ricans there and made a few striking remarks about how his perception of a national identity had changed once he left the Parade and reflected on what he had seen and experienced while participating in the largest parade in the United States.

He was dazed at the sight of so many Puerto Rican flags being waved along Fifth Avenue and proudly displayed on tee-shirts, nails, hats, cheeks, heads and in other parts of the human body. In-spite of majoring in Puerto Rican history, it was hard for him to understand how and why Puerto Ricans in New York elected to celebrate and preserve culture without apprehension. He spoke about how excited, proud and happy they seemed after singing the one-hundredth version of "Que Bonita Bandera". I replied by giving Tomas a crash course on New York Puerto Ricans and how I felt the parade reflected a redefinition of a national identity.

Most New York Puerto Rican historians agree that Puerto Ricans have been migrating to New York as early as 1830. But in an interview for Carmen Dolores Hernandez' Puerto Rican Voices in English, a New York poet and historian, Louis Reyes Rivera, stems the migration in the late 1700's:"Puerto Ricans in New York are traceable to the American Revolution and even before, given that Puerto Rico was New England's single largest customer for smuggling Operations which were intended to avoid paying taxes (121)."

Commercial ties and the trading of raw materials paved the way for the early settlers. Towards the latter part of the 19th century, political circumstances proved to be the most important migration factor. Puerto Ricans who were against Spanish rule voluntarily left the Island or were exiled. After the United States obtained official political control of the Island in 1898, more working-class Puerto Ricans came to New York. By World War II, there were close to 150,000 people of Puerto Rican origin in New York.

Your grandparents migrated to New York in the late 1950's. They were part of a massive immigration movement fostered by the new Puerto Rican Commonwealth Government of 1952 and its political and economic links to the United States. "Los viejos" joined thousands of Puerto Ricans in their quest of the American Dream. The new immigrants founded a Puerto Rico of their own called "El Barrio". "The New York Island" stretched across 96th Street North to 127th Street and Fifth Avenue East in Manhattan. During the summers, "El Barrio" came alive with the sounds of "La Isla Del Encanto". Puerto Ricans brought their music, literature, arts, food and traditions to New York. As American citizens, they felt no need to deny their roots and culture. Spanish was kept alive at home. It was an inexpensive ticket back home, and many that came went back to "La Isla" or became extraordinary elements in the revolving door syndrome.

The first Puerto Rican Day Parade took place on Sunday, April 12, 1958 in "El Barrio". The Parade went National in 1995 to extend its borders and outreach. The Parade was established to create a national conscience and to appreciate the Puerto Rican culture and its contributions to the American society. It also stimulates the study, progress and development of the Puerto Rican culture and art. The National Puerto Rican Day Parade is a yearly event with on-going educational, cultural, social and artistic presentations throughout the year. Close to two million people attend the Parade making it the largest outdoor celebration event in the United States.

My nephew had listened for the past twenty-minutes, but he interrupted me and asked "Ok, that sounds interesting Tio but how is the Parade reflective of a Puerto Rican national identity?" I calmed him down and gave him my personal opinion. Puerto Ricans in New York are holding on to their culture.

For us US Ricans, the National Puerto Rican Day Parade is more than just a celebration of sorts. It is an expression of national identity. It's standing up for what we believe in. By reaffirming our Puerto Ricanness as a people, we define ourselves as a nation. Remember Tomas; it is only when you leave the Island that you begin to understand that you are a Puerto Rican. The political mayhem on the Island does not allow you to flavor or even sense a national identity. Just the mentioning of the term nation, frightens Island scholars and academics alike. The four-year three-party political enterprise in "La Isla" entertains itself with year long, endless and tireless futile debates on budgets, resolutions and foregone nominations. Flags are only pulled up after Tito Trinidad wins a fight or whenever a major Puerto Rican celebrity reaches a milestone or makes history. The red, blue and green politicians attend the National event in New York to make connections or to have an excuse to take a week off from work. Some Islanders will say that there is no need to honor the Puerto Rican flag, but Americans including the Puerto Ricans born and raised in New York honor the Stars and Stripes in every school, neighborhood and community in the United States.

Puerto Ricans in New York and other cities have a sense of nostalgia because those that left as children take with them the Puerto Rico of their childhood. Those that left as adolescents struggled to adjust to another identity and in the cultural warfare dreamed with the Island every day. The adults that migrated had every day visions with the green plantain fields and blue green beaches and dream of going back and buying a "finquita". They did not have to hide or bury their national identity.

The American way of life celebrates the reaffirmation of national identities precisely because the United States was founded and populated by immigrants. You my dear nephew have had a close encounter of the third kind with your national identity. Thousands of Puerto Ricans will experience the same identity encounter when they migrate to New York City or other major United States cities.

Manuel Hernandez is a contributing columnist to Puerto Rico Sun. He is author of a textbook titled, Latino/a Literature in The English Classroom (Editorial Plaza Mayor, 2003). He may be reached at

Sato Boricua!

Sato Boricua!
Originally uploaded by Irie Psilocybin.
Today's Featured Photo

Photo by Irie Psilocybin

Photo is part of the gallery in the Sato group pool at flickr.

This group is dedicated to images of "sato" dogs.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Puerto Rico, Fajardo, vista

Puerto Rico, Fajardo, vista
Originally uploaded by docman.
Today's featured photo from the Puerto Rico Sun flickr group pool

Photo by docman

What a vista!

Monday, May 30, 2005


Originally uploaded by Jaime Olmo.
Today's featured photo by Jaime Olmo

Sometimes it is great to just take the highway and get away from it all.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

PR Angel

PR Angel
Originally uploaded by MsAnthea.
Today's Featured Photo

Photo by MsAnthea

"Look closely at the detail. This is not an ordinary form of graffiti." -- MsAnthea

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Friday, May 27, 2005

Community Happenings


A screening of THE KRUTCH at the Harlemwood Film

Written and directed by Judith Escalona

16mm/DV, 29 minutes

Monday, June 20, 7PM

The Museum of the City of New York
1220 Fifth Avenue
(between East 103rd and East 104th Streets)

"The Krutch" is a surreal narrative about a Puerto Rican psychoanalyst
with a long-suppressed identity problem that erupts with some dire
The film is unique in exploring the mental anguish and shame associated
with racism. Stylistically akin to Buñuel with an eye towards Godard,
it occupies an absurdist space that keeps it from descending into the
maudlin cliches of realism. With Jaime Sanchez as the mysterious Dr. Guzman and Cathy Haase as his unsuspecting patient Mrs. Kleist.

I will also be participating in a panel of filmmakers that evening.

Judith Escalona

161 East 106th Street
Empowering community through technology

El Morro in Old San Juan

El Morro in Old San Juan
Originally uploaded by asawaa.
Today's featured photo

Photo by Asawaa

Thursday, May 26, 2005


Originally uploaded by lapamela.
Featured photo of the day from the Puerto Rico Sun group pool

Photo by lapamela